09 August, 2016

Purchasing new models; assemble the new ones, or paint the old ones?

So, there's been a bit of a lull here, and with my hobby. I've taken a bit of a break, so to speak. But now that I got a nice sum of funds as a gift, I decided to jumpstart this here hobby again!

Introducing, the new arrivals;

Now, unfortunately, buying new things makes me all giddy about them. I want to start assembling them NOW, GODDAMNIT!!! ...whereas I still have a bit of a backlog of unpainted models that need care first...<.< I'll go more into detail about them in a bit, as first, I'll go through my backlog!

Like these unpainted merry men!

3 random Space Marines! I got them as a gift (small, cheap, box of only three models, quite bad quality compared to standard GW products, to be honest), and slapped them onto my existing squad of 5 Grey Hunters.

Other than that, I have my Thunderwolf Cavalry (3 models) that aren't painted yet, as I've been scared as hell I'll ruin the fur, due to lack of experience... BUT FEAR NOT! Found a nice tutorial-video on how to paint fur!

Moving on, I has... A drop-pod! Will be interesting to try to get that one done, as big flat surfaces are surpricingly difficult to get smooth. One of the employees at the local Warhammer-store suggested using some proper Lahmian Medium to thin the paint, rather than water, to avoid the bubbliness, yet still getting a nice smooth surface. Will try it out with the drop-pod, methinks...

And then, finally, a very specific character...

Njal, the Stormcaller!

A very highly praised and warmly suggested tactic with the Wolves, is to have a Long Fang squad (Devastators, for those more strict to the codex), filled with missile launchers, accompanied by a Rune Priest as a divination buffing machine! Other than that, I've ran him once into the thick of it, accompanied by a terminator retinue to wreck havoc in close range! ...aaaand I did all that with tiny bits of blue-tac to keep him standing. Yes. I feel very much ashamed. He's primed (and awaiting painting) in parts to make it easier.

Then, we also have Bjorn, and his base... I want to base all my models, but I'll add some extra effort to my HQs (especially NAMED HQs).

More in-depth on the new-comers!

I love to browse a Warhamme 40k -subreddit. There's a lot of good info about lore, helpful ideas and thoughts about army-lists, and plenty of pictures or awesomely painted models! Naturally I've used them for help and advice, while still keeping my own visions and goals in mind; not exactly copying anyones lists with anything I'm doing, I'd rather create something of my own, while modifying it perhaps a little.

Long Fangs are always reccommended. I've used my older brothers Devastators as stand-ins for my Long Fangs, and I've had a lot of success with them, so they were a natural choice for purchasing. Most probably going to run Njal with them for buffs (sweet Psyker level 3 buffs, yo!) and Deny the Witch in the vicinity.

After that, I was a bit perplexed... I need boots on the ground, so Grey Hunters were a nice choice. More Thunderwolf Cavalry for the Thunderwolf Cavalry -God is a good idea as well. Other than that? Transports? Who knows?

The start collecting-box is a nice deal on a lot of good units (albeit a little lack of transports, but derp), so I figured I'd go for it. Plans include a Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Battle Leader (depending on points-range of game) on a thunderwolf (expect some sweet conversion-stuff coming up when I start doing that), accompanied by a squad of 5 TWC.

Thoughts on procrastination and other things...

A lot of this has been put on hold, unfortunately. A lot of PC-games on my game-backlog, I've also started to handcraft some terrain (for example these craters here)...

So how does one easily combat procrastination and pouring attention on several things? I don't know... One thing that is for certain would be to have a project-table at the ready, or having my painting-projects out constantly, so I don't have to break out the project-box and the paints and everything, which takes ages in and of its own...

So, time to convert my desk to a paint-shop! LET'S GET CRACKIN'!