11 July, 2015

The Stormclaw box, part 2! Krom Dragongaze and Blood Claws!

In the last post I covered the Wolf Guard Terminators. After I got done with them, I started assembling and painting the Blood Claws and the company commander, Krom Dragongaze... So let's get started!

Krom Dragongaze

Not much to say about the assembly... Boom, bang, done. The PAINTING, on the other hand... Still a lot of trial and error here...

So, here he is, in all his splendor... Not. I didn't have all the paints needed, so hade to use some makeshift and temporary paintjobs. I also had no idea about shading and/or drybrushing or highlighting...
So, yeah. The vents on the armor's generator (the wolf-skulls on the back) should be gold, and his axe shoud be drybrushed with white. Didn't know how to do it, and din't have all the paints, so I went with this temporarily...
A hell-of-a lot of detail, a hell-of-a lot of time. No shading, no highlighting, no dry-brushing. Also, I STILL don't have proper paints for the hairs (saving money at the moment), so his head is pretty much undone...

Blood Claws

So, my squad of 5 Blood Claws... I figured I'd slap a Wolf Guard pack leader, because why not, eh? Unfortunately I took no progress-pictures of them, and thus I have only the (semi-) finished thing...

So, here we have them. One Wolf Guard pack leader, 4 Blood Claws with chainswords and bolt pistols. No shading, no highlighting, no dry-brushing, again... Still learning...

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