27 October, 2015

Wolf Guard, with jump packs!

So a bit of a hiatus here... Well, here's the newest update!

Been a bit busy with a squad of Wolf Guard. Wanted to make something heavy hitting in melee, and ended up making a squad with jump packs! Costs way more than any other squad I currently have! ...ouch... *sheds a tear*

So, I didn't go for the Space Wolf box, I went and bought a Space Marine Vanguard Veteran Squad! Painted with Space Wolf colours and equipped with leftover bits from my Stormclaw -box (mainly wolfy weapons), and it looked quite neat in the end!

The main problem here, though... painting them in bits and pieces. I couldn't assemble before painting, mainly due to the shields blocking a lot of the torso, so I had to do paint before assembly. It was tedious and annoying as hell. If I can in future projects, I'll assemble before painting. Makes life so much easier when you have the full piece infront of you, rather than a handfull small pieces...

Thunderhammers and Storm Shields in all their might are awesome, but fekke they're tedious to paint around!

And here, the squad in all it's glory! Counting in at 290 points, the most expensive squad I have so far! With a single wound each! ...that's... a lot of points just thrown away in a single daring assault... Still, though! The specifics:
  • Frost Sword & Plasma pistol (pack leader)
  • Thunderhammer & Storm Shield
  • Thunderhammer & Storm Shield
  • Dual Wolf Claws
  • Dual Wolf Claws
So yeah! That's another squad down! Counting up to 1k points in my army right now! These things will be a beast in melee, if they get close enough!

What I've learned here? How tedious it is to paint single pieces, compared to a whole model. Sure, artistically it looks better, but it's a lot more tedious... 

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